I personally would recommend you be level 90, a doom knight, have defender's gear maxed, and have 600 dragon points before attempting most of these fights.  In other words, sit out two years until you are eligible for Doom Knight and you can train your dragon with free food (the dragon coin food adds up!)  Some fights are very challenging.  Not necessarily these first seven sets I recommend (the eighth maybe), but others are. These are the classes I recommend highest to complete these fights with.  I generally use 200 protection, 200 assistance, 200 mischief for my dragon.  Armors do not need to be in inventory, they can be banked if they are purchased armors.  Just make sure you possess an Armor Closet in order to change between them!  I highly recommend stat-enhancing food (costs 1 Defender's Medal) and 5 of each potion (costs 2,000 gold, 2,500 if you get the potion dispenser machine for your house, which is more convenient than having to travel to the Neiboheim market every time.  Pretty simple, if your main stat is DEX, use Raven's Wings, if INT, use Baked Basilisk.


Undead Duo (you only need to complete the duo)

I'd do this fight first so you can grab the bracer, it's easy anyway.  Stats are 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS.  Assuming you're just starting, so your gear is probably very basic, hopefully you have this...

No bracer....yet!

#2 (part of)

Elemental Chaos (plus both Theano and Siofra)

This is an easy fight, you should be able to obtain it early on.  Good to get your light weapon ASAP!  Stats here are 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS.  I am assuming you do NOT have any top-tier weapons at this stage, so I'm recommending the DDASoE, plus it's versatile here.

#3 (part of)

Triple Trouble (you only need to complete the trio)

This one is likewise an easy fight, and is also needed for your light weapon.  Again, 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS.  Again, you probably aren't geared well at this stage, so the DDASoE is adequate for this fight.  This is a great time to use your Dragon Knight set for an additional 75% damage to dragons!


Crystal and Stone (as well as Rictorild in addition, do NOT need to complete solo Roktoru)

This one is moderately challenging, but not horrible.  Stats are 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS.  It is useful for future battles to weaken enemies against light, such as the Challenger Gauntlet, to make it faster.  Especially since you're going to be doing it 15 times. 


challenger Gauntlet

You will need to complete this 5 times per main stat you desire a belt for!  Hopefully, you've obtained your Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny by now.  Stats are 200 INT, 200 END, 45 WIS.  Weaken Verylrus against light with Summon Vizalain with the Summon Gem - Ricteirild.


Zeklem's Keep

Fighting the boss is not mandatory here, just need to deal with trash and occasional mimics.  Objective here is treasure chests to claim relics to upgrade your Unhallowed death knight gear.  Stats are 200 INT, 200 END, 45 WIS.


Exaltia Tower

Now to get your good / evil weapon, which is largely your all purpose weapon.  You will grind it in the Exaltia Tower, which will be in five phases.

Ezrajal / Yaphael

Easy boss.  Should not be any issue.  Stats are 200 INT, 200 END, 45 WIS.


Slightly more difficult.  Mostly collect schism runes along the way.  Stats are 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS.


Not too bad, this one is fairly easy as well.  Stats are 200 INT, 200 END, 45 WIS.


First actually challenging boss.  Mostly an endurance battle.  Stats are 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS.


This one is the most challenging boss you've faced so far...if you don't set it up right and aren't slightly lucky.  There is a strategy that works half or so of the time with chaosweaver.  It depends on stunning him just right.  I'm linking a video someone else did of said strategy.  Stats are 200 INT, 200 END, 45 WIS.


Ice and Dragons (plus Frostscythe & Glaisaurus and Vilmor & Cryozen in addition)

Now to really test what you've learned, your first actual challenge!  The ones before were relatively easy, this one can actually be a pain in the ass for inexperienced players.  Although the helm is great, and the ice weapon is even nicer, especially when combined with Vanilla Ice Katana or Ice Scythe (Vanilla Ice Katana is superior to Ice Scythe, although it's a bit more challenging to obtain).  You CAN use your DDASoE, and they do have a 5% vulnerability to fire, although I recommend your newly acquired Exalted Apotheosis for this fight.  For the fight, I recommend 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS.  Good luck!


Chaos Slayers (13th Lord of Chaos)

Just ran this one through February 8, 2025 after the potion and food nerf on my tertiary character and it works solidly with kathool adept.  Probably 200 INT, 200 END, 45 WIS is best here.


Eulin II

Also just ran this one through February 8, 2025 after the potion and food nerf on my tertiary character and it works solidly with doom knight.  I prefer 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS here.

Once you reach this point, it's really up to you where to go.  Just remember your resistance suits for select fights, or you WILL have a more difficult time!  Resistance maxes out at 80 (all + specific element(s)), so it doesn't matter how high you achieve, it does not matter past 80, so past 80 is a waste. Sometimes the "absolute BiS" for resistance isn't the absolute BiS, for example, I wouldn't use Ace of Diamonds for an ice resistance suit, it sucks, I would use the Elemental Unity Defender XV instead.  Anyway, here are some common suits you will be using, with ABSOLUTE BiS gear, using Exalted Apotheosis, minus class, maximizing resistance and minimizing immobility:

All Resistance

The most quintessential, useful for multiple challenges. 66 All

Light and Dark Resistance

Fallen Purpose, Unending Empires, Gotta Start Somewhere!  81 each Light and Darkness.  It's possible to achieve higher in each, although it's not worth it.

Good and Evil Resistance

Fallen Purpose, The Balance.  78 good and evil.  It's possible to achieve slightly higher using Transcendence at the cost of losing DPS, which I don't recommend.