Miscellaneous Improvements

Tonics and Elixirs persist through death, logout, and change class until replacement or expiration

Item Threshold Limit Increases

500k Au Voucher to x2,000

200k Au Voucher to x2,000

100k Au Voucher to x2,000

25k Au Voucher to x2,000

7.5k Au Voucher to x2,000

Diamond of Nulgath to x10,000

Emblem of Gravelyn to x500

New Merge Items

Luminescent Goddess of War

Minimum level 100, AC tagged

+60% to Human, +60% to Undead, +60% to Dragonkin, +60% to Chaos, +60% to Elemental, +75% to EXP, +75% to Au, +75% to Rep, +75% to CP

Radiant Goddess of War

2,000 500k Au Vouchers

Champion Medal

Hollowborn Doom Knight

Archfiend Doomlord

Incandescent Goddess of War

Minimum level 100, AC tagged, Member / Legend Exclusive

+65% to Human, +65% to Undead, +65% to Dragonkin, +65% to Chaos, +65% to Elemental, +100% to EXP, +100% to Au, +100% to Rep, +100% to CP

Luminescent Goddess of War

2,000 500k Au Vouchers

Champion Medal

DOOMfire Warrior