I am considering starting a shuttle service between the Memphis International Airport and Jackson, with stopovers at the Wolfchase Galleria and Brownsville.  If I start it, I will purchase a 12 or 15 passenger van.  I will drive (obviously), and there will be two round trips a day starting from Jackson.

I will be putting in $75,000 of my own money in for the purchase of the one 12 or 15 passenger van and the other initial supplies needed to start the business as well as legal fees to hire an attorney and set up an LLC or corporation.

I will own 40% of the company.  I know, although while intellect is a strong suit of mine (at least in some limited areas), that wisdom is NOT, and I do desire a possibility that, if I do something stupid and everyone else is in agreement, for them to be able outvote me on decisions.  Bill Gates owns 11% of Microsoft.  He still earns plenty of money from it, but he can be outvoted easily.  Even with my nephews not being old enough to attend board meetings yet, that's up to 86% of the company, so 46% can outvote me if my mother, my maternal grandmother, my younger brother, and my younger brother's current and ex-wife in agreement.  I do intend for it to be family owned (well, sorta family, my younger brother, sister-in-law, and ex-sister-in-law are currently at odds with me, but hopefully they will turn around eventually) so we will not mess with shareholders from God knows whereover.

My mother will own 15% of my company. My maternal grandmother 10%. my younger brother, my sister-in-law, my ex-sister-in-law, and each of my two nephews will own 7% of my company.  I'm giving it to them each as a gift.  Although my nephews aren't to touch their portion until they are 18 or 21.  It will be in a trust for them.  And when I die, I will will half of each half (20%) to each nephew.  That way, they will own up to 27% MINIMUM after I die, if others have not died and willed their portion to each.

I feel $75,000 is enough to start the money, and I can easily afford that.


Let's say conservatively we earn $50,000 in profits our first year after all expenses are paid.  Not gross revenue, profits.  Each will receive:

Me:  $20,000

My mother:  $7,500

My grandmother:  $5,000

Each of the five others:  $3,500

And basically, except for the board meetings, I would be the only one working, unless my mother and / or grandmother wish to take over bookkeeping!  My nephews will be paid $3,500 in said instance (although they can't access it yet)...for basically playing probably LEGOS and video games!

Fares will be as follows:

Memphis International Airport to / from Wolfchase Galleria, Monday - Thursday

Infants 0 – 2:  free

Children 3 – 5:  $7

Children 6 – 11:   $10

Children 12 – 17:  $13

Adults 18 – 64:  $15

Senior Citizens 65+:  $13

Current and Retired Military, Law Enforcement, and Medical Personnel:  $12

Memphis International Airport to / from Wolfchase Galleria, Friday - Sunday

Infants 0 – 2:  $2

Children 3 – 5:  $8

Children 6 – 11:  $12

Children 12 – 17:  $15

Adults 18 – 64:  $20

Senior Citizens 65+:  $15 

Current and Retired Military, Law Enforcement, and Medical Personnel:  $13

Wolfchase Galleria to / from Brownsville, Monday - Thursday

Infants 0 – 2:  free

Children 3 – 5:  $10

Children 6 – 11:  $15

Children 12 – 17:  $20

Adults 18 – 64:  $25

Senior Citizens 65+:   $20

Current and Retired Military, Law Enforcement, and Medical Personnel:  $18

Wolfchase Galleria to / from Brownsville, Friday - Sunday

Infants 0 – 2:  $3

Children 3 – 5:  $15

Children 6 – 11:  $20

Children 12 – 17:  $25

Adults 18 – 64:  $30

Senior Citizens 65+:  $25

Current and Retired Military, Law Enforcement, and Medical Personnel:  $21

Brownsville to / from Jackson, Monday - Thursday

Infants 0 – 2:  free

Children 3 – 5:  $3

Children 6 – 11:  $7

Children 12 – 17:  $8

Adults 18 – 64:  $10

Senior Citizens 65+:  $8

Current and Retired Military, Law Enforcement, and Medical Personnel:   $7

Brownsville to / from Jackson, Friday - Sunday

Infants 0 – 2:  $2

Children 3 – 5:  $5

Children 6 – 11:  $10

Children 12 – 17:  $12

Adults 18 – 64:  $15

Senior Citizens 65+:  $12

Current and Retired Military, Law Enforcement, and Medical Personnel:  $10

Black Out Dates (days we would be closed)

New Year’s Day

My Birthday (March 6)

My late sister’s suicide anniversary (April 3 and 4)

My maternal grandmother’s birthday (April 30)

My mother’s birthday (June 3)

July 4

My younger brother’s and late sister’s birthday (August 28)



New Year’s Eve

Refreshments will be offered, some for free, some for extra cost.  No alcohol will be offered on board.  Examples:

Coke and Pepsi products (12 oz can):  Free

The "normal" products.  We refuse to serve the aspartame laden "diet" shit, sorry, it's too toxic

Bottled Water:  Free

Orange juice (16 oz bottle):  $2

Energy drink:  $3

Little Debbie Snack Cake:  Free

Fun / Snack size Candy Bar:  Free

Be reasonable!  If passengers become greedy, we may be forced to charge for items we currently intend to offer for free or raise costs for items we intend to charge less for or not offer refreshments at all!  :(

Passengers are welcome to bring their own refreshments to open on board for a $1 extra "service fee" (per passenger, not per container, so you can bring as many containers of food as you wish for said price), even alcohol, as long as they do not serve it to other guests.  Any food or beverages to other guests, not just alcohol!  But if we catch you serving to other guests, we reserve the right to remove you from the shuttle (leaving you stranded until you find an Uber / Lyft) and / or fine you whatever is legal to fine you by law.

Smoking and vaping is permitted as long as it is exclusively tobacco or cannabis products, and smoking is not permitted on board obviously due to being a fire hazard, only at stops.  If we catch you, we will ask to see what you are vaping or smoking, and if it's crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, etc, you will be at the least have your drugs and paraphernalia confiscated and destroyed if not also fined and possibly arrested.  Chewing tobacco / snuff / dip is not allowed on board either due to the having to spit it out.  Snus, nicotine lozenges, etc are permitted.  Vaping is permitted on board as long as it's a tobacco (nicotine salt) or marijuana (full spectrum CBD / CBG / CBN / THC or Delta 8) product, but no other drug.  In fact, except for cannabis (and then only if it's pure and not adulterated / laced marijuana or products), we do not allow ANY illegal drugs AT ALL or even controlled narcotics not prescribed by a doctor FOR YOU.  If we catch you, it's arrest and incarceration for you.  And if we catch you with fentanyl (unless it's a fentanyl PATCH prescribed TO YOU by a MD and you are a CANCER PATIENT) and / or elephant / rhinoceros tranquilizer, I will try to get you charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER of the other passengers and myself.  I am not playing!  That shit is lethal!  Now, if it's a controlled narcotic that IS prescribed to you, that's different.  I take Ativan for my PTSD and Panic Disorder and Lyrica for my fibromyalgia.  Those I would expect to travel with.  Passengers can therefore obviously travel with prescribed narcotics or any prescriptions.  Although if you have, say, Oxycontin, Xanax, or even Adderall on your person and it's not prescribed to you, it will be treated as if it's heroin for intents and purposes.  I know they aren't the same (although Oxy is close) but just saying, controlled without a prescription is essentially illegal.

Everything is 18 on this shuttle as far as being an "adult" is concerned.  As long as you do not cause problems, I don't give a shit if you drink or vape at 18 on this shuttle if you got it from a family member or friend.  As long as you don't do so at 17 or younger, if you're under 18 THEN I will notify the authorities due to said person being a child.  My philosophy is....if you are considered an adult at 18 and can risk death for our nation fighting for our freedom and liberty, and if you are considered an adult at 18 and can vote for our politicians, and if any crimes you commit at 18 you are charged as an adult and will go to an adult prison, WHY IN HELL ARE YOU STILL A MINOR UNTIL 21 AS FAR AS ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO (and in states that allow it, cannabis) GOES?  It makes about as much sense as tits on a bull.  Now, if you DO cause problems and you're 18 - 20, I will report you, not for being underage using alcohol and / or tobacco, but for causing a disruption, and then THEY may charge you for being underage, but personally, I don't care about your drinking or vaping at 18 - 20.  Every other nation allows alcohol and tobacco at 18 (well, Canada tobacco is 19) anyway, why are we different?  Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark allow alcohol at 16!

If this proves to be a success, I may hire an additional driver and buy a second van, and add an additional route: