Some of these are mentioned more than once.  You only need one of each.

Monthly Special Items






Defender's Shop

$5 Elemental Unity

Package + 1,500

Defender's Medals

855 Defender's

Medals (Requires

Dragon Amulet)

780 Defender's

Medals (Requires

Dragon Amulet)

555 Defender's

Medals (Requires

Dragon Amulet)

Purchasable Classes

Elemental Weapons

There are a few others, although these are the main ones I recommend you obtain.  All but three of these (the water weapons) are from the Inn at the Edge of Time.  The three that are not are from a boss in Tyndur's Depths.  I admit I did not defeat said boss the "honest" way, I cheesed it with Doom Knight V1's Life Carve, lol.  Most battles in the arena have DK V1 banned though.

Doom Knight Damage Set

When farming and questing, Twin Blades of Doom, 200 DEX 200 WIS and 45 LUK, when in the arena at the edge of time, 200 DEX 200 END and 45 WIS

Does not have to be in inventory

Doom Knight Defense Set

Exalted Apotheosis, Arena at the Edge of Time use (when a fight is not element specific), 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS

Does not have to be in inventory

Doom Knight Healing Set

Exalted Apotheosis, Arena at the Edge of Time use, 200 DEX, 200 END, 45 WIS

Does not have to be in inventory